HP... And I Don't Mean Harry Potter
You know how when you put in a new ink cartridge your printer tries it out in a test paper? (an extraordinary waste of ink if you ask me) Well I did something to my printer to make it angry and blood thirsty and now it wants to do that all the time. It's like a little monster gobbling up my paper. Every time I turn it on to use it I have to stand on my chair (yup I'm to short to hit the buttons otherwise) and wait for it to grasp a piece of blank paper. It always makes the noise like it's going to suck it in a couple times, I think to throw me off, but usually I can catch it and then I quickly jab that little "x" button about 4 times and it spits it back out unscathed, victory for me. But anyway, it annoys me.

Just for reference,
LiveJournal > Blogspot
But I'd rather you have blogspot than an lj because that means you still can't read my blog...
The printer sitting next to me has seizures, too. I had to turn in my speech outline with weird symbols down one side because we ran out of paper and the printer ate the rest.
I don't like your music. I couldn't figure out where it was coming from, because I'm not generally very common sensical, and it was making Imogen Heap sound all weird. By the way, you should listen to Imogen Heap.
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