Help Me! Bridal Shower!
This whole thing started out a little crazy but a few things happened and now I'm planning my best friends bridal shower even though I'm just a bridesmaid. Now honestly, I love to plan certain types of things, and this would be one of them. However, there are a few problems. The first of which being that although I understand that my 20s will probably be spent in a whirl of my friends bridal showers and weddings this is my first one, so I'm a little mystified about what needs to be done. I've been to many many weddings, but no bridal showers. The second problem is that she and I are complete opposites. Where I would want yellow and blue she wants hot pink and orange. Where I would want flowers she would want crepe paper. Where I would want Dean Martin playing she would want B. Spears. Now this is one of the things that makes us such wonderful friends, however it does not help when it comes to planning something for her. I did find the perfect invitations, not only are the flowers her wedding flowers but those are also her wedding colors.
oh we should chat. and i should reccommend my friend lindsey to you b/c she is really the guru on all social gathering etiquette. :)
Hi Charlene, so...stalking, sorry, but I thought that this might be some help:
(this one is for invitation etiquette)
(this is a checklist of things to do)
(this is the basics of bridal showers)
Hope this helps some in your shower frenzy! Good luck:)
I fully support stalking! Thanks so much for the help!
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