Monday, March 31, 2008

Baby I'm What's on Your Mind!

So I admit I check my blog every two seconds to see if my millions of non-existent blogging buddies have commented on my page and to admire my handiwork, I am quite proud of my color coordination... Anyway, I just checked it again for some reason and No Sleep Tonight by The Faders was on my play list and it made me want to run. Really, April in general makes me want to run, the crappy rainy weathers brings back many thoughts of HS track practices with under armour and fingernails black from the soot of our cinder track as I did my blocks... Anyway, I dare you to listen to that song and not feel the blood pumping through your veins and every nerve in your body tingling with the need to put on some sneakers and race outside... I double dog dare you...

If you couldn't tell, that's my jogging song, I play is over and over again as I jog through North Manchester...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

I've Got a Fever and the Only Prescription is... More Blogging!

I've been bitten by the writing bug. I've always loved to write. I was that annoying kid in your history class that cheered when the teacher announced the next test would be in essay form. I've always had a way with words (when I'm writing, in oration it's debatable). The most frustrating thing for me is when I can't find the right words to express what I'm trying to say. That, unfortunately, has been happening an awful lot to me and I think that it is because I haven't been writing much, and because the books that I've been reading are certainly not the type that use demanding vocabulary and stretch the mind (aka romance novels...). Anyway, in high school I had my own student column in a Michigan City newspaper and I loved it. At the time my little sister was the writer in the family so it was certainly to my surprise when I started getting "fan mail" for my column; people called my high school, I got letters sent to the newspaper for me, I even had some sent to my house!  I had had no idea that I was good, and that discovery coupled with the fact that people actually made a point to read my column was probably the biggest ego boost I have ever had! Since then, writing has been something of a passion for me. I love words more than most normal people do, and for me there's nothing more satisfying then rattling off a statement and watching someone scratch their head trying to put it all together. However, I can usually only pull this off when confronted by people I don't like, with my friends for some reason I seem to be a dunce at speaking... But anyway after I graduated I felt somewhat cut off from my writing, I had an english class so at least I had some outlet. This year however I've been feeling incredibly tense and just very bogged down. There are all these things rushing around in my mind and I have nowhere to put them. But now, thanks to some persistent urging : ) I have a new outlet, a blog! And I plan on taking complete advantage of it, much to the chagrin of anyone actually reading it!

Forever 21

It's ridiculously amazing, ludicrously cheap, stocked with the hottest trends from New York and Chicago (ok maybe just NY but I'm too loyal to Chicago to not include it), it has glitter in the floors, and an atmosphere that makes you willing to steal lunch money from little kids to support the aching need to buy cute things... Ok well maybe not the lunch money part, but the rest is true. F21 is the best thing that's happened to me since the day I met Hollister Co in middle school. I've outgrown Hollister in favor of developing my own personal style and not showing my midriff at every available moment... But F21 is the perfect replacement, not a thing is over $30 and most of it's $20, if they carried more jeans then just the skinny leg fit I'd completely abandon all other stores... Well my best friend and I took a shopping trip to Ft Wayne on saturday and I made four wonderful purchases at F21. 

First was this wonderful trench. I feel love at first sight is better left to Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks on most occasions but in this case I was a goner from the beginning...


Then came this little summer dress. I just looked at it (and it's $13 price tag!!!) and knew it was meant to be worn on a warm summer day traipsing about Chicago... Perhaps the Taste of Chicago? Or maybe strolling along the Magnificent Mile?


And finally, the perfect shoes to complement the perfect dress for Spring Formal (how I convinced Austin to do that again I'll never know...). And if you hadn't guessed, the dress is from F21 as well...


Tears... Ridiculous...

Why is it that the older I get the more easily I cry? The Rookie had me in tears today at least three different times. I remember when I went to go to see Titanic with my friends in 5th grade I was the only one that didn't cry, even the boys cried, I never cried. Now even certain commercials get me. This is not good by any standard.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Pennies From Heaven

Hmm my first post. I guess I'll start by explaining the title to my blog, Pennies from Heaven. Well it's a song, there are two versions, one is by Frank Sinatra, but my favorite and the one the title refers to is the one by Louis Armstrong. I think the first time I heard it was on Elf, but Louis has been a favorite of mine for a long time. I am quite a lover of old big band era music. I've always liked it, but after my grandfather passed away I kept hearing how much he had loved that old music, so I kind of forced myself to try and listen to it a lot. I ended up loving it, the songs are so happy and simple. It's the kind of music that makes you think of simpler days (however Dr. Angelos would argue that the idea of the "good ol' days" is purely fiction) and that you can dance around your room to, which I do. Anyway, Pennies from Heaven has been my favorite ever since the first time I heard it and I highly recommend listening to it, there's no way to have a bad day after hearing it! I'd add it to my profile, but I have no idea how to work a blog so...


About Me

My photo
I love pretty pictures and fashion, decorating and paper. I use Harry Potter pseudonyms for all of my friends because as of now they are skeptical of the blogging world. I expect when we grow and up and move away and have babies we will all have blogs because that seems to be the thing to do. And when that day comes I will laugh and gleefully answer all their questions about blogger, thankful that they can finally share in the obsession with me! And secretly, I will be very proud that my archives stretch back much farther then theirs. Pennies From Heaven is where I write everything. I put my favorite photographs there, my favorite fashions, thoughts, stories, and humorous conversations between Hermione and I.

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