Thursday, April 30, 2009

Actually excited to go home at this point...

Boys are trouble. And quite frankly, sometimes I question their intelligence as a sex. 

I got sloppy joes on my new white button up. 

This is not a good day. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What Flu?

Note > I work for a professor on campus grading papers and helping out with odds and ends  

Dr. So and So: Char, can you believe this flu?  
Char: Oh have you been having a lot of absences?  
Dr. So and So: Pause. No, the swine flu, it's killing people in Mexico.  

Lesson? When you work for a prof you should probably keep up on your current events...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Olympus Love

All I can see are photography opportunities. And I don't have a camera. I emailed the kind people of Olympus for a price quote but so far no response. 

When it first broke I was hopeless.
Now I'm taking it as an opportunity to look at new cameras. I think I'll stick with Olympus, I really love my current camera and can do a heck of a lot more with it than I should really be able to. I can coax some fancy  pictures out of that baby. 

I've considered saving long term for an SLR, but I just don't have the time to figure out how to use one right now. I mean, I don't like manual cars, I don't figure I'll like manual cameras. However, there's no denying the quality difference... There's also no denying toe price difference... Ouch. 

This is killing me. I just want my camera. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cameras and Weddings

My cousin is married, my camera is broken, and I have to talk to my grandma about sex. 

The most important part of that sentence? My camera is broken. 
Like there was any doubt of it's importance...

This past weekend my cousin, Dena, got married. The ceremony took place in the chapel at Valparaiso University. I wish I could show you how gorgeous it was. It was filled with beautiful modern stained glass windows but somehow achieved the lightness and airiness that is so hard to keep in heavily glassed churches. Beyond gorgeous. The aisle was ridiculously long... Eric (the happy groom) beamed at Dena as she made the treacherous journey to the alter (it was stone slab, not easy in heels). 27 Dresses' Katherine Heigl would have approved. 

Poor Eric has had to work at fitting in our family. I do not deny that I have sometimes doubted him. But seeing how happy he makes Dena, and just how much he loves her makes me think that perhaps we are just a hard bunch to fit in with sometimes. I am quite happy to bring him into our family and I'm going to assume that the few boys will enjoy a little more testosterone. 

My favorite part of the wedding? That would be dancing and music. I love to dance. I'm no good at your average booty shaking, shimmying around on various guys, but give me a good song and I will make my own little dance. Two years ago, the BF would not have danced with me like a crazy person in front of my family. Heck, even a year ago he would have refused. However, after a few songs he joined me on the dance floor and we rocked out for the rest of the night to tunes like "Give You Hell", "Build Me Up Buttercup", and "Go Cubs Go." I think you know which song was my favorite. We even reenacted a bit of Dirty Dancing's, "The Time of My Life" with a somewhat less graceful lift. 

I didn't think he would dance with me like that, all wild and crazy, but one of the best thing about relationships is that they do change you. You change each other constantly and slowly and permanently, but in good ways. Changing people gets a bad rap. I know that the BF has certainly changed me. He is by far the more serious of us (voted most serious, class of 2006 I believe), I have a terrible time being straight faced and serious, but I've gotten a lot better. He also makes me do things. I'm notorious for saying I'll do something someday and then just never getting to it (voted laziest, class of 06...). I am now forced to do things, in a good way of course : ) 
Well I like to think maybe I've pulled him out of his shell a little bit, or drug him out more like.  

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Just Take It Easy, That's The Rule

 Normally spring brings me to constant giggles and smiles but I seem to have needed some help this week. Well the Bearded Guy upstairs took charge and I ran across these tidbits today. Please watch them, it will reassure every positive thought you ever had about humankind and help you toss out those cynical ones. Normally I try very hard to do that, but I've been losing sight lately, this got me back on track!

Clip 1:  
This is just super cute. The little robot has a destination on his little flag and is completely dependent on unsuspecting passerby to get there. The people that started the experiment assumed the little guy would die immediately, just a matter of time. He moves at a constant speed in a straight line and is made of cardboard. But as one of his makers followed far behind with a camera in her purse civilization proved her wrong. She said that one man even turned the robot around as he was about to cross the street and audibly said "No, you can't go that way."

Clip 2: Ok I know how annoying it is when YouTube won't let you embed a video, but the effort it will take to click on the link is so worth it. No joke, I cried. I mean I cry a lot so that may not go for everyone, but it sure did touch me. It also made me hope I was never like the annoying girl in the audience when I was a teenager and it makes me vow that my daughters will never ever make that face. 

Link 3: You cannot look at this little chunk without smiling. Impossible. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dear Alfred Angelo

I hate you. I am tired of spending $140 on dresses that do not come in my size. I am tired of paying women to try and bring them in for me only to fail once again. You can't turn these dresses into my size. You just can't. I waste my money. I look odd in all the pictures. And I spend yet another wedding uncomfortable, seams poking me in odd places, dresses constantly needing to be pulled up. It's ridiculous. Would it really cost you that much more money to just sell the dang thing in my size?? 

No one at my wedding will ever wear Alfred Angelo. Not ever. Never never never. And I'm sure I will be able to fit into his dresses by then but I don't care, this is an issue of principal now. 

Monday, April 13, 2009

When Good Roommates Go Creepy

Sunday: I got annoyed and made her bed and folded her clothes and cleaned up her desk. They had been laying on her desk for 2 months now. I couldn't handle it anymore. Afterwards I called and left what I thought was an angry message on her cell, demanding that she call me back. When I repeated it to the BF he didn't think it was that angry, but I think it got the point across. 

Today: I went and bought some hair dye, got back from CVS and started looking for an old towel in my closet. I moved my bridesmaid shirt to the side because it was hanging in front of my closet. Wait a sec. Last night I hung it on the front of her closet, ya know since no one is using it. Suspicious, I open her closet. Nothing! All her clothes are gone, and even the giant dirty clothes basket that had been filled for the last two months was gone! I checked the dresser, same thing. Weird. Mostly creepy though. It feels like a stranger was creeping around my room...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

How Not to Flirt 101

Hold your right hand out in front of you, palm down. Twist it up and down at your wrist, kind of like a teeter toter. When the left side of your hand goes up, the right side should go down and vice versa. This is the universal symbol for "eh". It will henceforth be called the "eh". Keep this in mind. 

Hermione and I ran to Lance's tonight, I needed some kleenex for my overactive allergies and some milk. Lance's is prone to googly-eyed stock boys. As we were walking to dairy two such stock boys strolled past, obviously giving us the once over. "Ew" we said. 

Soon we were in the check-out line, stuck behind a father and his kids who were taking a massive amount of time to check out. Hermione looks over and sees the two boys again. "Check this out" she says. They're staring at us from across the store and then looking at the bag boy for our lane telling him to check us out and get our numbers. "I feel like I'm at the zoo, and I'm the one in a cage!" I say. 

The bag boy looks at us, not realizing Hermione is watching him, and ya know what he did? He "ehed" us. What? We don't get "ehed". Maybe we weren't at our best, but we are not 5s! We are 10s! 

Hermione realizes that there's another guy over with them now. It's Dustin, we know him! He laughs at the other boys and walks over to us. 
"Hey guys" he says. "Those boys think you are hot." 
"Yeah we got that" We say, laughing. 
Then Hermione does the best thing I've ever seen her do ever in our 13 year friendship. She looks at Dustin (who is now standing right next to our bag boy), smiles and points at said bag boy, and says, "Yeah and then we saw this loser do this (eh hand motion)" 
Bag boy turns red and tried to recover, "They were uh trying to uh get me to get my number, I mean your numbers, get me to get your numbers." 
"Mmmhmm" We say and walk away chatting with Dustin. 

Sometimes you just have glorious moments, and this was one of Hermione's. If you see her congratulate her. 

And boys, we can see you, we are not blind. We are also not zebras. And do not "eh" us. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Liberal Art College...

Normally I am a big fan of liberal art colleges. Students need to be well-rounded, I'm totally behind that. But right now I'm taking chemistry, which is silliness. It is silliness because I could be finishing off a second major right now, but I can't fit it into my schedule. If I decide to take a second major on I will be here for another semester. Because of chemistry. I won't get to graduate with my friends. Because of chemistry. Maybe I am being unreasonable but I just don't see the argument for it right now. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hodge Podge of Thoughts...

That title makes me think of Mod Podge... Ooooh the possibilities... 

I'm slightly sick and currently buried deep within the blogging universe. I have a chem test tomorrow, but have I ever shared with you my complete distaste for studying in classes I don't enjoy? Extreme distaste. 

Here are some of my blogging finds for the evening...

All people who I feel are ridiculously cooler than I will ever hope to be. 
I'm currently engaged in a blog search for people in college that are on the same wave as I am. So far I'm at a loss. I've found a few but I can't follow a blog if it belongs to someone I don't feel I would ever be friends with and that's all I'm finding currently. 

Just heard a fantastic line in a song. 
"Walking away is easy, it's the staying that's so hard."
That sounds slightly pessimistic, but sometimes I want to tell it to those people who are chronically single and skeptical of relationships. It's hard but everything that is hard is worth it and the easy way out almost never is the right road. 

The Answer? Perhaps...

Roomie has left moldy water bottles, dirty clothes, and a mess and then ran off for almost 2 months now.

After countless phone calls, voice mails, and messages left no reply. Not one.

Hermione's idea for the roomie issue?
Call and leave a message saying that for every phone call left unanswered I will throw away one of your things that is bothering me. 

Pure evil? Or pure genius? 
Photo By Char

Things I Have Learned Recently

1. I have a high speaking voice. And it apparently gets higher when I want something or when I'm trying to say something kind of mean nicely. 

2. The sister is scared of ladders. 

3. The sister doesn't know how to wash windows. 

2 and 3 were learned after she and I had volunteered to wash the windows of our churches resale shop... 

4. I make up words. The BF called me out on this one. I think it's still endearing at this point, but stay tuned... 

Monday, April 6, 2009


Want to see two college girls jaws drop to the floor? Drool and all? Occasional panting? 

Then you should be there when Hermione and I watch Gilles and Cheryl on Dancing with the Stars. Especially the Paso Doble. 

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dark and Twisty Char

If you have been reading this blog for very long you know that during the summer I am a YMCA Day Camp counselor and I that I loooove my job. Those little kids make my day, even when they pee in squirt guns. They have given me so many stories, so many happy memories, and so many big hugs. My fellow counselors are my soul mates, we bond over margaritas and chimichangas and share our stories of our tiny little minions. However, working with children has it's sad moments. There are the kids who never have a full lunch box, or only have one when they stay with mom but not with dad. Or there are kids who can't afford a new swimsuit or the little kindergarten girl who sits by herself in the locker room when the other girls are comparing their new Cinderella panties.  There are the children that are socially awkward or get caught picking their nose a lot but generally these problems are ones we as counselors can fix. We bring extra food in our lunch boxes or maybe one day bring a pair of pint size swim trunks, we ban bullying and help kids to look beyond appearances. We can fix those. But last summer we found a problem we couldn't fix. This should have been a clue but we didn't get it. We should have gotten it. We found out the last monday of the summer, Digger and I figured it all out and wrote it all down. We made the right calls and called her mother and talked to the cops. It over 6 months ago but sometimes it comes back to me, a TV show or movie or misplaced comment can spark it. I still have bad dreams about it. People always tell us that we should be proud that we figured it out but all I can think of is if only we had figured it out sooner and that it ruined a family. It has changed something inside of me permanently, and yes I am quite aware of how melodramatic that sounds. People who I have thought would understand haven't, Digger is the only one that has gotten it and feels like I do. I've never blogged about it though I've often wanted to because honestly I'm not sure where in the courts it is and if I'm allowed to. But today I was particularly depressed about it and blogging it out seemed like a good solution and I feel I was vague enough. I'm sorry to bring down the day, rosy Char will return tomorrow. 

Proust Questionnaire

Marcel Proust, a French novelist with a lot of time on his hands, developed this list of questions and he claimed that an individual's answers reveals his or hers true nature. It's kind of like a grown up myspace quiz, with less emphasis on what underwear you're wearing. Apparently since sometime in the 1970s Vanity Fair has devoted their back page to this questionnaire, having a different notable personages fill in their answers each issue. I highly recommend reading some of them, Julie Andrews' answers are my personal favorite. The Vanity Fair version is somewhat simplified, but I thought they might be fun to answer none the less. I think maybe I'll fill in the actual Proust version at some later date when I have the motivation for that kind of deep thinking. AKA not a Sunday. 

1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Sitting on the front porch with my husband when we're 70 years old with our children and grandchildren.
2. What is your greatest fear?
I haven't the faintest idea. 
3. What is your most marked characteristic?
I would imagine the first thing people notice about me is that I am short and tiny and look very young, and secondly that I have very blue eyes. If we are talking personality I think perhaps that I have a fairly rosy outlook. 
4. What is the trait you most deplore in your self?
I'm super impressionable. If I respect you and you disagree with me I will take a really hard look at what I think and quite often change it. 
5. Which living person do you most despise?
The congregation of that church that protests soldiers funerals and gay weddings. What terrible people. 
6. What is your greatest extravagance?
I need to be around pretty things. They can be cheap, but I just can't deal with ugly things. This may be what feeds my DIY obsession. 
7. What is your current state of mind?
Surprised, perplexed, happy, and confused. 
8. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Going off of my man B Franklin's virtues, silence. It's just silly. Talk as much as you want. 
9. On what occasion do you lie?
In instances where it's benefitting me and not hurting others align. 
10. What do you dislike most about your appearance?
I would kill for long legs. Absolutely kill. Watch out Cameron Diaz...
11. What is the quality you most like in a man?
A strong sense of what is right and a strong urge to protect the women in his life. 
12. What is the quality you most like in a woman?
A strong sense of what is right and a strong urge to love. 
Perhaps these sound sexist but oh well. 
13. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
I don't care, what do you want to do?
14. What or who is the greatest love of your life?
I think I need to live more life to know for sure. I suppose Wicket. He's furry and loving and protective, everything I want in a man. 
15. When and where were you happiest?
I am happy most of the time. But the most recent perfect moment would be at Lake Michigan over SB 09 with the BF. We were both in really silly moods and it was just one of those days where I felt exactly like myself and it's wonderful when you're exactly you and someone appreciates it and lets you. 
16. If you could change one thing abut yourself what would it be?
I would remember things. 
17. Which talent would you most like to have?
I wish I was a speed reader than instantly soaked up everything I read. 
18. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
I taught Wicket to sit. If you met him you would understand. 
19. If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
A tulip. That way I'd come back every year to see spring and then sleep for the next 9 months. 
20. Where would you like to live?
A city. I so want to live in a city. 
21. What is your most treasured possession?
My ring that I bought for myself in Prague. It represents the achievement of my greatest goal. 
22. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Turning your back on God. 
23. What is your favorite occupation?
Reading or working on a craft. 
24. What is your favorite hero of fiction?
25. What are your favorite names?
Lorelie and Cole
26. What is it that you most dislike?
Bad manners. 
27. How would you like to die?
In my sleep with my husband. 
28. What is your motto?
Don't worry, what is supposed to happen will happen. 

*I filled in the Julie Andrews questionnaire. I didn't realize that they use different questions for each person and that the main questions can be found elsewhere on the site until after I had typed hers in, and I didn't want to do it again. 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Weekday Update

Hmm I have the urge to blog, yet nothing to blog about. 

Hermione is currently dealing with boy drama. Ron is trouble and a half. In Sexuality and Gender Professor recently told us all these studies have been done that prove for various factual reasons that men fall harder and faster than girls and that they have a heck of a hard time falling out of love. Boy is Ron ever proving it. Don't get me wrong, I've alw
ays been a Ron fan but he's even frustrating me at this point. Poor Herm just wants some time, not that she's any better at staying away from him than he is, but still. 
Roomie update? She's still gone. Haven't seen her in over a month at this point. I don't understand how she functions, all of her things are here. Her dirty clothes basket is full as is her dresser and closet. I've spoken to her a few times and found out that she apparently has been driving to class everyday and staying at home. 50 minutes away. I get that she and her BF broke up, I get that that is hard. But if the BF broke up with me, I'd still go to class. And quite honestly, her ex was a complete douche, I think she dodged a hefty bullet. 
In other news, I'm dying to craft but can't seem to find the time. Tonight is another ladies night but after that I've got to get a little DIY into my system... 

Photos By Char


About Me

My photo
I love pretty pictures and fashion, decorating and paper. I use Harry Potter pseudonyms for all of my friends because as of now they are skeptical of the blogging world. I expect when we grow and up and move away and have babies we will all have blogs because that seems to be the thing to do. And when that day comes I will laugh and gleefully answer all their questions about blogger, thankful that they can finally share in the obsession with me! And secretly, I will be very proud that my archives stretch back much farther then theirs. Pennies From Heaven is where I write everything. I put my favorite photographs there, my favorite fashions, thoughts, stories, and humorous conversations between Hermione and I.

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