Blog Tag!
The Rules:
-Link to your tagger and post these 3 rules on your blog > check!
-Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird > getting there...
-Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs > yeah I don't know 7 people that blog so...
- Let them know they are tagged by leaving a com
ment on their blog > yup can't do that either...
So because of time constraints (my limited attention span, and the limited amount of time my creativity will remain active) I'm going to do this in a few different blogs tonight, well, hopefully all tonight...
Fact I
I love Chicago. If I won oodles of cash and a
free vacation to anywhere in the US on a game show, I would go to Chicago. I've been there probably a hundred times and I still love it. Sometime in late elementary I got to take classes at the Chicago Ballet, and quite honestly I hated it, it was on the 14th floor of some building on Wabash and they refused to use air conditioning because sweat is good for you (however, let me tell you, 90 degree July heat and sweaty pointe shoes filled with pus from your toes are not a good mixture...) Anyway, during the hours I waited with my mom and/or dad for the South Shore to come and rescue me we explored downtown Chicago. It wasn't my first time there, I had taken countless field trips to the museums and my grandma had taken me to Marshall Fields for Christmas, but it was the first time that I went and just walked around. I don't enjoy being on a schedule, I like to be able to do what I want to do and I love to look at things and observe. That summer was the first time I got to do that in Chicago, and it was the beginning of my love for that city.
I love that it's always too cold or too hot so dressing appropriately is pretty much impossible, you'll wear a parka and I guarantee that it will be 70 degrees when you step onto Millennium Station platform. I like the crazy people on the South Shore and the people who will hand you a pamphlet on anything from Judaism to why George Bush looks like a monkey. I love LaSalle Street and how it looks so clean and pretty. I love the loop and the noisy El. I love how because everyone is so rude when you do smile at them or say excuse me they look at you like you just handed them a one hundred dollar bill (or they just stare down their
stuck up noses at you...). I love going into buildings and getting in an elevator, pushing all of the buttons, then getting out on each floor to make a mad dash to the nearest window to check out the view! I love that Subway is the only fast food place that costs the same amount as in Indiana. I love that Chicagoans won't shop at Macy's. I love to hear the spirited debates over the Cubs and Sox in the streets. I love how it's always too busy and the lines are always too long. I love everything about that city! Honestly I could go on and on, and I'm sure in a future blog I will, but for now I think this is enough...
Fact II tomorrow