The highlight of my spring break was the BF and mines trip to the Dunes. This session of "overheard" is a perfect example of a few things.
The highlight of my spring break was the BF and mines trip to the Dunes. This session of "overheard" is a perfect example of a few things.
Oooooh I want this purse. There's something about it that screams preppy-day-in-the-horse-barn to me...
Of success!!! Attempt two went off splendidly! However I learned a few lessons making it.
Pick yourself up and try again. You can dust your apron off and try again. Try again...
Why can't I cook? I followed the recipe exactly, and ya know what? Mine doesn't look like this.
Who else thought it was beautiful today? I'm loving spring being here. Last thursday I walked around campus taking pictures and it was wonderful. The pics didn't turn out that great, but it was so sunny and gorgeous so I didn't care.
Michigan City is one of my favorite places when it gets warm. Obviously there is the lake (Lake Michigan for all you non-regioners). But, in these parts, the way you know it's really heading for summer is when Carlson's Root Beer and Hot Dog Stand and Bubble's Ice Cream Shoppe open. Once my friends and I were driving age that is where we headed on the last day of school. They're right across the street from eachother. We would park our cars and the waitresses would bring our food to the bar and then we'd jump out and run across the street to Bubble's after we'd had our fill of the best root beer in creation.
Welcome back dear friend. F21 has been suggesting your arrival for some time now. I have yet to feel completely assured in your staying, I need to fulfill some things first, however I'm starting to feel more comfortable. Please don't let me down. And please bring me all of these dresses in my size, for free. Please and thank you.
I briefly mentioned that my cousin Dena got engaged this past year and that her bridal shower was this past saturday but I never got around to actually blogging about it! I just want to say, I love my family. They have their fair share of drama and we are anything but normal, but I love it so much. My dad's side of the family is completely dominated by these strong amazing women with outrageous and fun personalities and when we get together it's like all of these rockets taking off in different directions and occasionally pausing to chat and commiserate but mostly it's just a lot of women telling a lot of stories at the same time and laughing a whole heck of a lot. Dena's bridal shower was filled with her family and the grooms family and their friends. All in all there were 8 tables of people, but no matter what game we were playing or what course we were eating there was one table that wouldn't shut up. That was of course, the aunts, mother of the bride, and grandma table. It was so hilarious. They were rowdy and refused to follow any rules, they flicked the rubber bracelets we were supposed to be competing for across the room and made questionable innuendos the whole time. All in all the absolute best bridal shower I've ever been to, which is a shame because the only other one I've been to was the one I threw for my best friend... More than likely I will be posting some more pics from the shower in upcoming blogs!
Hermione and I participated in a "Newlyweds" style friend competition last night. East holds one every year and last year we lost...
I was going through my pictures from this last weekend, and I just had to post these. I went home for my cousin's bridal shower and it was so fantastic! But those pics need to be fixed up a bit. However, these wonderful little photos of Wicket and his dirty paws were Blogger-Ready! Enjoy!
1. I hate to be restrained. Want to see me freak out? Hold me down or put a blanket over my head and I will be angry in a decidedly not cute or playful way.
1. Girl gossip over dinner
This afternoon the BF joined Hermione and I for lunch. I don't know how, and I don't know when, but at some point the discussion turned towards Bridget Jones. H and I love Bridget Jones. I know the conversation really took a turn for the worse when we decided to sing Celine Dion's "All By Myself" as Bridget does in the opening scenes of the first movie. We were fantastic if I do say so myself, but the BF was less than amused and was reaching critical mass for his tolerance of girly movie reenactments. Not that that means anything, he reaches critical mass with me almost every day and I tend to ignore it, I believe that in doing so I'm stretching the amount he can handle. The results aren't quite in yet...
Normal optimistic Char is back with vengeance today! (that's kind of an oxymoron I do think...) This video did it for me. If you don't do anything else all day watch this video. It will be so worth it.
I had every intention of doing Pennies From Heaven everyday, but I'm just not feeling it today. My day started out really well. I got a 5/5 on an Onyeji paper, that's always a good start to the day. RHA went reasonably well and afterwards we had a little e-board meeting which is always fun, I love my e-board, even if we are incapable of staying on topic... After RHA though I went with the BF and his friends to the Oaks Cafe. We were sitting there waiting for the line to go down when his friends start ogling this girl. Some random girl, just standing there waiting for her pizza bagel. She had no idea that two guys were sitting there having a conversation about her ass. It just made me so mad. Are you all like that?
1. The yummy tea the BF and I found this weekend in Ft. Wayne. Strawberries-n-Cream and Blueberry : ) I don't know what this contraption is called, but I do know that it brings yummy flavors into hot water and so I decided it was picture worthy...
New Section stolen from Slice of Pink. Everyday she writes a short list of the small pleasures in life. I think it's a fantastic idea and I'm going to do my best to follow through except I'm going to offer up five daily little pennies from heaven. Clever, eh?
Here's the deal with the pink Nikes.
I am a huge fan of Flickr. I can spend hours on it and I can't tell you how excited I was when I finally decided a few of my own photos were worthy of making my own account. I get very excited whenever I log in and see how many people have viewed my pics and even more excited with the occasional comment. Today I logged in to a little surprise though... Someone had added me as a friend! That almost never happens- I excitedly clicked on their name and linked through to their pictures to find... Shoes. Pink shoes. A man in pink shoes and purple roller blades and baby blue nikes. Hmm... So I looked at his profile to get a little more info, sometimes I don't catch on to artsy things, maybe this was art? Nope, not art. He just liked to wear women's shoes. He belonged to tons of groups about men wearing women's shoes and about men who love female bondage. Needless to say I blocked him immediately.
Many people who know me think that winter is my favorite time of year. As soon as those flakes start falling I turn into the happiest of happy and start singing carols to absolutely everyone who will listen. And they're right, I do love winter. But spring is my time of year. If one day the president said that we had to vote on one season and that would be the only one that we could have I would totally rig that ballot and spring would win. There is just something about the way the breeze smells and feels on my finally bare arms. My whole body is relived to make it to spring. I love the noises, the weed wackers, the lawn mowers, the birds, the breezes, the rains. I love that I can hear what's going on in the parking lot below my window because it means the windows are open. When I'm at home during spring I spend every single day outside on the big swing on the back deck with Wicket and Boomer cuddled next to my legs and Jane Austen or Henry James (I'm forever trying to finish Portrait of a Lady) in my hands, the breeze hitting me and making me feel as though I'm really in that garden with Mr. Nightly and Emma. When I'm at school I'm often at a lose for what to do. There are so many things. If the sun was out I'd be outside taking pictures, but it's not. And if I was motivated I'd go for a jog, but I'm not. If I could focus I'd be reading a novel, but I can't. I'm absolutely filled with this restless energy and it peaks every time I feel the breeze float through my window and land on my cheek. Spring is always when I'm at my most creative as well, in fact this blog was born in spring. So instead of doing anything productive, I'm sitting on my bed, blogging and listening to spring.
I've decided that every time my brain randomly calls up a memory of my time in Europe I will post about it. This way, when it feels as though it never happened and so very much impossible to achieve again, I can look here and see that it happened once and that it can happen again.
A few things must happen before I seriously consider it spring. However, generally as soon I feel a little balm I start skipping and singing that spring is finally come...
I want to wear this tomorrow.
On most occasions, I agree wholeheartedly on the benefits of going to a liberal arts school. What's the point of college if you don't leave with at least a little culture? However, this "wholehearted agreement" ends when it forces a history major into a chemistry class.
I have spent a good portion of today cloistered in my room, and trust me, it's in everybody's best interest. Today is one of those days, one of those cranky, curl-up-in-the-fetal-position days. I'm inexplicably angry with the world. I suspect Jason Mesnick is behind it.
Bare with me as I try and make a new header... Photoshop and I are just newly acquainted and we are trying to work it out.
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