Actually excited to go home at this point...
Boys are trouble. And quite frankly, sometimes I question their intelligence as a sex.
Boys are trouble. And quite frankly, sometimes I question their intelligence as a sex.
Note > I work for a professor on campus grading papers and helping out with odds and ends
All I can see are photography opportunities. And I don't have a camera. I emailed the kind people of Olympus for a price quote but so far no response.
My cousin is married, my camera is broken, and I have to talk to my grandma about sex.
Normally spring brings me to constant giggles and smiles but I seem to have needed some help this week. Well the Bearded Guy upstairs took charge and I ran across these tidbits today. Please watch them, it will reassure every positive thought you ever had about humankind and help you toss out those cynical ones. Normally I try very hard to do that, but I've been losing sight lately, this got me back on track!
I hate you. I am tired of spending $140 on dresses that do not come in my size. I am tired of paying women to try and bring them in for me only to fail once again. You can't turn these dresses into my size. You just can't. I waste my money. I look odd in all the pictures. And I spend yet another wedding uncomfortable, seams poking me in odd places, dresses constantly needing to be pulled up. It's ridiculous. Would it really cost you that much more money to just sell the dang thing in my size??
Sunday: I got annoyed and made her bed and folded her clothes and cleaned up her desk. They had been laying on her desk for 2 months now. I couldn't handle it anymore. Afterwards I called and left what I thought was an angry message on her cell, demanding that she call me back. When I repeated it to the BF he didn't think it was that angry, but I think it got the point across.
Hold your right hand out in front of you, palm down. Twist it up and down at your wrist, kind of like a teeter toter. When the left side of your hand goes up, the right side should go down and vice versa. This is the universal symbol for "eh". It will henceforth be called the "eh". Keep this in mind.
Normally I am a big fan of liberal art colleges. Students need to be well-rounded, I'm totally behind that. But right now I'm taking chemistry, which is silliness. It is silliness because I could be finishing off a second major right now, but I can't fit it into my schedule. If I decide to take a second major on I will be here for another semester. Because of chemistry. I won't get to graduate with my friends. Because of chemistry. Maybe I am being unreasonable but I just don't see the argument for it right now.
1. I have a high speaking voice. And it apparently gets higher when I want something or when I'm trying to say something kind of mean nicely.
Want to see two college girls jaws drop to the floor? Drool and all? Occasional panting?
If you have been reading this blog for very long you know that during the summer I am a YMCA Day Camp counselor and I that I loooove my job. Those little kids make my day, even when they pee in squirt guns. They have given me so many stories, so many happy memories, and so many big hugs. My fellow counselors are my soul mates, we bond over margaritas and chimichangas and share our stories of our tiny little minions. However, working with children has it's sad moments. There are the kids who never have a full lunch box, or only have one when they stay with mom but not with dad. Or there are kids who can't afford a new swimsuit or the little kindergarten girl who sits by herself in the locker room when the other girls are comparing their new Cinderella panties. There are the children that are socially awkward or get caught picking their nose a lot but generally these problems are ones we as counselors can fix. We bring extra food in our lunch boxes or maybe one day bring a pair of pint size swim trunks, we ban bullying and help kids to look beyond appearances. We can fix those. But last summer we found a problem we couldn't fix. This should have been a clue but we didn't get it. We should have gotten it. We found out the last monday of the summer, Digger and I figured it all out and wrote it all down. We made the right calls and called her mother and talked to the cops. It over 6 months ago but sometimes it comes back to me, a TV show or movie or misplaced comment can spark it. I still have bad dreams about it. People always tell us that we should be proud that we figured it out but all I can think of is if only we had figured it out sooner and that it ruined a family. It has changed something inside of me permanently, and yes I am quite aware of how melodramatic that sounds. People who I have thought would understand haven't, Digger is the only one that has gotten it and feels like I do. I've never blogged about it though I've often wanted to because honestly I'm not sure where in the courts it is and if I'm allowed to. But today I was particularly depressed about it and blogging it out seemed like a good solution and I feel I was vague enough. I'm sorry to bring down the day, rosy Char will return tomorrow.
Marcel Proust, a French novelist with a lot of time on his hands, developed this list of questions and he claimed that an individual's answers reveals his or hers true nature. It's kind of like a grown up myspace quiz, with less emphasis on what underwear you're wearing. Apparently since sometime in the 1970s Vanity Fair has devoted their back page to this questionnaire, having a different notable personages fill in their answers each issue. I highly recommend reading some of them, Julie Andrews' answers are my personal favorite. The Vanity Fair version is somewhat simplified, but I thought they might be fun to answer none the less. I think maybe I'll fill in the actual Proust version at some later date when I have the motivation for that kind of deep thinking. AKA not a Sunday.
Hmm I have the urge to blog, yet nothing to blog about.
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