So for all of my worried friends (um one of you) things at work are much better and despite the fact that we are currently under a tornado watch I am a much happier person which is good because I really hate not being happy. Thanks to my wonderful boss everything is great, well it's better and hopefully it's on its way to great! AND I get to go see the Sex and the City movie tomorrow!! Plus, when I was driving home from work today everything was just so green and I had the windows down and it just smelled like summer, like this thick heavy velvety green summer smell and it was just wonderful. And during my drive I just kept thinking about how lucky I am and what great friends I have and what a wonderful boyfriend I have. Oh one more thing! I'm going to go and start a new addiction tomorrow, I plan on picking up my first scrapbooking materials tomorrow and oh what a glorious addiction I plan on it being! All is well in the land of optimism.
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