Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Fillin' In the Blanks

So I've vacated the blogging world for awhile which makes me sad, but as such I feel that a "Fill In" blog is necessary, a teeny update. First off, all of my work issues are fixed which is a big YAY. Turns out my bosses boss doesn't hate me, she turned everyone else's schedules upside down because she was worried I'd quit. I feel loved. Secondly, a long time ago I wrote about how I was throwing my best friend a bridal shower and how unbelievably mystified I was about this secret wedding world with it's private protocol and elusive etiquette, well it went quite well. The weather was gorgeous and even though not as many people showed up as we expected it all went very well and I really think she had a good time. Now thirdly, the BF has permanently exited the blogging world. Sad face. But now I can write mean things about him. Happy face. Kidding! Fourthly (I didn't think that was a word but my Mac spell-checks everything and it's not underlined so I guess it is a word) my foretold scrap-booking addiction has not yet fully bloomed, however with my love of pretty paper and embellishments I'm fully enjoying just collecting things to help me start so much so that this stage could last for awhile... However the delay can be blamed on the BF and I. For our first Valentines Day I gave him a disposable camera so we could work on our small number of couple pics, well 1 year, 4 months, and another Valentine's Day later we've yet to use up even half of the pics. So I decided that our next weekend together we would take tons of pics and finish it off and those pics would fill my first ever scrapbook. But we forgot last time. Sooo maybe this time. Fifthly, my little sister graduated from high school amidst much drama (blog to follow, it makes me too angry to not blog about it) and had her open house. I'm officially old. Sixthly (this just doesn't seem like it should be a word), at said open house one of her friends offered to give GIVE  us his 6 month old Westie puppy. Yes we have 2 dogs already. Should I want another one? No. But do I? Yes! So if you happen to see my dad anywhere, it would be great if you could tell him that Westies always fetch the ball and bring it back, and that they are an underground symbol of the Cubs. Yup that would probably do it. Seventhly, I got a High School Musical back pack today to carry at camp- Monday I am going to be the coolest counselor EVER. 


ashley June 19, 2008 at 9:47 PM  

welcome back! i've been missing your blog updates! :) i've always been a bit sad i never got into the scrapbooking world, but now i figure that's what the ol blog is for!


About Me

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I love pretty pictures and fashion, decorating and paper. I use Harry Potter pseudonyms for all of my friends because as of now they are skeptical of the blogging world. I expect when we grow and up and move away and have babies we will all have blogs because that seems to be the thing to do. And when that day comes I will laugh and gleefully answer all their questions about blogger, thankful that they can finally share in the obsession with me! And secretly, I will be very proud that my archives stretch back much farther then theirs. Pennies From Heaven is where I write everything. I put my favorite photographs there, my favorite fashions, thoughts, stories, and humorous conversations between Hermione and I.

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