Monday, June 30, 2008

Mondays I Covet

So this past Saturday I got to go to my favorite store (Forever 21) with my favorite girls! It should have been fabulous, but no, instead it was full of frustration- Not with my friends, they were so great and I was so happy to get to see them! But with my store! I spent an hour trying to figure out what size I was in European sizes (26 I think but I can't be sure) and when I finally figured it out I realized they didn't carry "shorts" (as in "26 short" for us fun size people). Sucked. See when I go shopping I normally prepare. I scan every page on the targeted stores website and I plan my attack, but I didn't this time and it resulted in chaos. So today I went to the website and I meant to find clothes that I wanted, but I have this obsession with charms so I decided to share my current love- charm necklaces. I absolutely love the way those itsy bitsy charms look on those thin long or short chains. It's one of those fads that I plan on holding onto and making a staple in my wardrobe! I think the root of this obsession is that I absolutely love meaningful and personalized jewelry, and little charms picked out just for you is pretty much the epitome of both. Anyway these were just really cute!

Saturday, June 28, 2008


There is nothing like some good girlfriends. Don't get me wrong, boyfriends are important, but your girls are your girls no matter what, they're on your side, they'll listen to you always, they're good people. Well recently I've been a little depressed- I sooo want girlfriends like the ones I read about or see on TV. Ya know, BFFs through thick and thin, a tight group of 4 or 5 girls that have been together forever and hang out at cutesy coffee bars and complain about guys and share in everything, they're all different but compliment each-other perfectly. I have never had that. I always had a lot of friends, but generally they weren't friends with each other, they were all from different cliques and they all appealed to different sides of me, no one fit me completely. Anyway, these girls in books are generally in their late 20s or early 30s and have been friends for 10 years or so. Well I was always so bummed when I read those because I didn't have that and I figured it was too late, that I needed to have made those friends earlier and be BFFs already. Well not so. Right about now is when I should be meeting those friends, those tight girls that will stick by me (that is if I'm following the timelines of multimedia which obviously isn't necessary) and I'm so psyched because I am getting so much better at making girlfriends. I've mentioned before how much girls intimidate me, but I have so much more self confidence than I used to and that is making a difference. But I digress, I think someone should write a book about when you're just meeting these girls. Usually friendships are already cemented in the beginning book, I want to see one where the girls are just then meeting and getting to know each-other, maybe I'll write it... (haha) Sooooo tonight I went to go to see SATC (YAY!!!) with a fellow counselor (we were supposed to meet up with another but it didn't work out which led to hilarious results and a brief interlude into the world of stalking) and we had such a good time! I haven't had this much fun in soooo long and that is what led to this blog. It sounds so loserish but I sooo hope these new friendships I'm making last after the summer and we still hang out because these girls are so awesome and I have such a blast with them!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

32AA... No Jokes Please

The book is finished. And it was completely lovely and fabulous and any number of other princessy adjectives. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Flower Petal Fight

I miss the BF. Quite a bit actually. We had a whole list of things we wanted to do this summer and we are over a month and a half in and none of them have been accomplished and we've only seen each other twice. That's the problem with college, you meet boys that live too far away and you spend the whole school year together trying to find time between exams and studying and organizations only to find that once summer rids you of these inconveniences you live too far away from each-other to see each-other even half as often as before. 

In the midst of a flower petal fight. 

Update: Currently cranky. The weekend I had been hoping would be our Chicago weekend (one of our goals) has been canceled and exchanged for another weekend that will consist of maybe 36 hours. I don't understand how all of my friends somehow get to see their long distance BFs so often and we can't even pull off two full weekends a month. 

Bastard Ionic Bonder

I spent the last two hours reading and I just love it. I never ever have the time to read when I'm at school and now that I'm home I'm so exhausted when work is over that for the last couple nights I've fallen dead asleep by 9:30 (a far stretch from my usual 12 or 1) and since I get home around 5 I just don't have the time to properly delve into a good book. Well anyway, this book (title: 32 AA) is fabulous and while it's not particularly difficult or brain augmenting it is terribly witty and the heroine seems to feel endearingly similar to how I feel about half the time. Normally I feel guilty about indulging in less enriching literature, but I'm glad I made an exception. Emma (the main character of 32 AA- the fact that she carries the same name as the title of one of my favorite classics only furthered our bond) has been dumped in a most egregious manner by the "Bastard Ionic Bonder Adam". Honestly, at the moment, I think that if anyone named Adam approached me I'd knee him in the groin and laugh. I completely forgot how stirred up a book can get you. When I came inside (I was reading outside on the deck, the mosquitos drove me in) I was so fired up and as I walked up the stairs I had this "oh the world is against me, my boyfriend dumped me, and my friends hate me" feeling and I literally had to stop for a moment and remind myself that my boyfriend is great, he did not cheat on me in the Bahamas with a rich older blonde that lives in Trump Tower, and that my friends are fabulous and they are not ignoring my problems in favor of their own (however it sounds like something a few of them may do) nor did they buy me breast enlarging pills. Regardless, I loved getting to spend 2 whole hours with a fantastic book and I can't wait until I see how it ends!

And if I hear any jokes about the title of the book I will pretend your name is Adam and come after you. 

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Green Flamingos

The coolest collar ever? Yes I think so.  What a lucky little puppy I have.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Fillin' In the Blanks

So I've vacated the blogging world for awhile which makes me sad, but as such I feel that a "Fill In" blog is necessary, a teeny update. First off, all of my work issues are fixed which is a big YAY. Turns out my bosses boss doesn't hate me, she turned everyone else's schedules upside down because she was worried I'd quit. I feel loved. Secondly, a long time ago I wrote about how I was throwing my best friend a bridal shower and how unbelievably mystified I was about this secret wedding world with it's private protocol and elusive etiquette, well it went quite well. The weather was gorgeous and even though not as many people showed up as we expected it all went very well and I really think she had a good time. Now thirdly, the BF has permanently exited the blogging world. Sad face. But now I can write mean things about him. Happy face. Kidding! Fourthly (I didn't think that was a word but my Mac spell-checks everything and it's not underlined so I guess it is a word) my foretold scrap-booking addiction has not yet fully bloomed, however with my love of pretty paper and embellishments I'm fully enjoying just collecting things to help me start so much so that this stage could last for awhile... However the delay can be blamed on the BF and I. For our first Valentines Day I gave him a disposable camera so we could work on our small number of couple pics, well 1 year, 4 months, and another Valentine's Day later we've yet to use up even half of the pics. So I decided that our next weekend together we would take tons of pics and finish it off and those pics would fill my first ever scrapbook. But we forgot last time. Sooo maybe this time. Fifthly, my little sister graduated from high school amidst much drama (blog to follow, it makes me too angry to not blog about it) and had her open house. I'm officially old. Sixthly (this just doesn't seem like it should be a word), at said open house one of her friends offered to give GIVE  us his 6 month old Westie puppy. Yes we have 2 dogs already. Should I want another one? No. But do I? Yes! So if you happen to see my dad anywhere, it would be great if you could tell him that Westies always fetch the ball and bring it back, and that they are an underground symbol of the Cubs. Yup that would probably do it. Seventhly, I got a High School Musical back pack today to carry at camp- Monday I am going to be the coolest counselor EVER. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Quotable 5 Year Olds

Case 1:
Counselor Winnie: Aaron, did you kiss Emily on the cheek?

Aaron: Well, I tried to.

And he didn't say this is a cute five year old voice, he said it in this 25 year old playboy voice- incredibly adorable though . Let's just hope he quits his philandering ways before he hits puberty...

Case 2:
Paula: Twinkle Toes, that little girl said something she shouldn't have said.

Counselor Twinkle Toes (Me): What did she say?

Paula: She asked me to do sex with her. 

Twinkle Toes: Oh! Um. Well. Ok then...

What do you say to that?? I promptly whisked her away to her counselor and let her deal with that one... Where does a 5 years old learn what that is??

Case 3:
Kasey: Twinkle Toes! Twinkle Toes! Will you go ask Brandon how old he is and what grade he's in?

Twinkle Toes: Um, why do you want to know?

Kasey: Cus' I like him!

Twinkle Toes: Ohhh. Well why can't you ask him?

Kasey: Well I every time I get close to him he runs away... But he's smiling when he does it!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


So for all of my worried friends (um one of you) things at work are much better and despite the fact that we are currently under a tornado watch I am a much happier person which is good because I really hate not being happy. Thanks to my wonderful boss everything is great, well it's better and hopefully it's on its way to great! AND I get to go see the Sex and the City movie tomorrow!! Plus, when I was driving home from work today everything was just so green and I had the windows down and it just smelled like summer, like this thick heavy velvety green summer smell and it was just wonderful. And during my drive I just kept thinking about how lucky I am and what great friends I have and what a wonderful boyfriend I have. Oh one more thing! I'm going to go and start a new addiction tomorrow, I plan on picking up my first scrapbooking materials tomorrow and oh what a glorious addiction I plan on it being! All is well in the land of optimism. 


...I'm wallowing in self pity. I'm going to call my boss and ask if I can meet with her for a few minutes before work today. I think I'm going to tell her that I really don't want to quit but that I cannot justify driving to camp twice a day for 2 weeks so either I need to be off the schedule or something has to happen that gives me something else to do, I don't really know. Maybe she'll have some advice for me. 

Oh and it stormed last night and Boomer is scared of thunder so he slept with me. And not by my feet, like he slept up against my back. So not only am I wallowing, I am wallowing and cranky because I didn't get any sleep. 

Terribly Terrible Day

So my boss hates me. No, scratch that, I'm pretty sure that my boss likes me, which is good, because she's awesome. My boss's boss hates me, which is obviously, not good. During my summers I'm a day-camp counselor and I love it, last year I had my little 5 and 6 year olds and they are just so great and full of love and I just love my job, it's really hard, but I love it and it is so rewarding (not in the form of a paycheck bc Walgreens cashiers probably make more than I do, but it's rewarding in the form of receiving lots of hugs and hearing lots of "I love you Twinkles!"). So we've been going through camp training the last 2 weeks and I was getting pretty pumped for camp. Well, our boss's boss came in today to give us a little speech and to pass out our schedules. So here's the thing, you aren't guaranteed a tribe (a group of kids) every week, sometimes you have to open and close and some weeks you just work the field trip on Thursday. However, returning counselors are guaranteed the group they want and since we're experienced we generally get to work almost every week and have a tribe. Well for every other returning counselor that happened, but for not me. Well here's my schedule: Week 1 and 2 Open and Close (which is really bad bc I live 20 min from camp so that means driving there twice each day for two weeks, unless I strike oil in my back yard this is not doable), Weeks 3, 4, and 5 I work field trips which means for 3 weeks I only work Thursday, for the last 5 weeks I actually have a tribe and even one in my requested age group for 4 of those. But even still, I think you can see why I think the maker of the schedules (boss's boss) hates me. Now I knew last summer that she didn't really like me, which surprised me. I mean this sounds bad, but I'm just not the kind of person people dislike. People usually like me, and if they don't they're indifferent and just don't care, and even then they think I'm nice. I am a nice person- I'm super polite, I do whatever I'm asked, I'm opinionated but also super open-minded, I do my best to not judge, I just don't get it. I'm not controversial enough to really have a vendetta against. Plus, my name is Char. That just doesn't sound like someone you'd dislike. "I hate that Char girl" just doesn't sound right. Maybe "Katie" or "Jamie" or "Paris Hilton", but not Char. Anyway, I thought maybe she didn't like me last year because of my military dictator counselor style. I'm quite strict. But I had to be! I had the worst K-1 group in the camp! You might say, "Come on Char, bad kindergartners? What did they do- color outside of the lines?" And to this I would reply, "No, they were very careful to color inside the lines. However, they did enjoy peeing in squirt guns, pulling out dental work, making me sniff out their poop when no one would admit who pooped their pants, and sitting down in the middle of the woods and refusing to proceed unless I would allow them to go frogging. Oh and I had a 4 year old who swore." So, the military approach was necessary, and they still loved me. I can honestly say that I was a good counselor, and that my kids had a good time and left camp with great memories and a lot of tears. And I was always so polite to my boss's boss and I just don't understand. The brand new counselors have more hours than I do. Obviously I need to quit. It's just not logical to continue. But I looove my job! And I looove the other counselors! And I just made new girlfriends, and due to my gossipy high school friends I'm really bad at making friends with girls, but I did it this time, twice! And if I quit I'm sure I won't ever see them again. I'm just so bummed. This is not how I wanted summer to go. Why does she hate me?????

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Pants In Church

I recently found out that my grandma was the first woman to wear pants at my church back when my dad and his sisters were kids. How cool is that? She's pretty much Katherine Hepburn. 


About Me

My photo
I love pretty pictures and fashion, decorating and paper. I use Harry Potter pseudonyms for all of my friends because as of now they are skeptical of the blogging world. I expect when we grow and up and move away and have babies we will all have blogs because that seems to be the thing to do. And when that day comes I will laugh and gleefully answer all their questions about blogger, thankful that they can finally share in the obsession with me! And secretly, I will be very proud that my archives stretch back much farther then theirs. Pennies From Heaven is where I write everything. I put my favorite photographs there, my favorite fashions, thoughts, stories, and humorous conversations between Hermione and I.

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