Spring is Lovely
Ah glorious spring. You don't have to know me very long before I will tell you that I hate the heat of summer, the sun, the dust, the dry grass, there is nothing good. However, all you have to do is see me in the spring to know that I love it. I find it almost impossible to stay mad in the spring and so I am bouncy and lovely for 2 months. It just fits me, a new beginning, wonderful weather, green and blue and pink and purple, tulips and lilacs and hyacinths, rain and thunderstorms, everything good is in the spring. And there is nothing I love better than my own backyard in the springtime. My yard is filled with crab apple trees and dogwoods and a redbud, it has a beautiful lilac bush and I've planted probably hundreds of tulips (fun fact about me, my thumbs are stubbornly green). We don't have a huge yard, but it's gorgeous in the spring. So when I went home for my sister's senior prom I just had to take as many pictures as possible. So now I'll share, don't mind my rudimentary photography and don't mind the funky ordering, it's too hard to move them around.
First, my dog...
Yeah, he's pretty much obsessed...
He sniffed the camera. This makes me one of those crazy dog people huh?
This tree looks just like cotton candy in the spring
One of my special tulips, I think it's an Angelique?
I loooooove tulips
My favorite tree, the Redbud, got hit in a tornado two summers ago and we had to cut it down, but miraculously this offshoot started growing and it gets bigger every day!
My favorite crab apple, it's blossoms are such a rich pink and it's leaves are a saturated dark green color
This Maple was so small when we bought the house, now it's the same size as the house!
I like this picture because the dogwood blossoms look like snow : )
One more of the cotton candy tree
No pictures of the hyacinths because they've already come and gone, and no pictures of the lilac bush because it's too early, but don't fret, they will be here soon and so will pictures!
Your dog is adorable! Love the flowers and trees! Have a great spring!!!!!!!
Thank you!!
I'm starting to feel that you were more excited about seeing the trees in bloom than seeing your lovely sister on her 18th birthday and senior prom...
That hurts, Char. Did you just tell me about this blog so you could hurt my feelings even when you're not home?
Estoy triste en mi crazon. EN MI CORAZON!
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