I Love Being Tagged : )
What were doing 5 years ago?
Hmm I was 15 and it was the end of my freshman year in high school so I was probably dreading the end of school (I've never been a summer person), celebrating the end of track season, and since none of us could drive yet we were probably at my house since it was the closest to the school talking about how excited we were for drivers ed, gossiping about who we liked, and lip gloss was probably involved somewhere.
What are five things on your to-do list for today?
1. Plant some flowers
2. Read more of Northanger Abbey
3. Write a blog about my weekend- last weekend
4. Clean up my room a bit
5. Read all of the funny stories in my June cosmo. I saved them for last weekend because I know the BF is a fan of them, but we never got to them : (
What are five snacks you enjoy?
1. Hersey Kisses
2. M&M's
3. Cereal- I loooove cereal
4. Chex Mix
5. I usually have a seasonal snack, which is weird, but that's how I roll, my summer snack tends to be crackers with salami, which is also kind of weird...
What are five things you would do if you were a billionaire? (in no particular order)
1. Figure out who I would want to be president and then give him so much money he's sure to win the election. Or maybe I'd just run myself.
2. Travel everywhere, constantly, and bring all of my friends and family, or just my friends, or just my husband, or just myself.
3. Donate lots of money to cancer research and harass the scientists till they figure it out.
4. Have a closet that looks like it belongs to Carrie Bradshaw or Charlotte Goldenblatt (nee York)...
5. I would have the planned 2 kids of my own, and then adopt bunches more a la Brangelina.
What are five of your bad habits?
1. Worrying about silly things, I'm not much of a worrier, but there are a few specific things that I always worry about it. And they're mostly pretty silly...
2. I pout a lot, not gonna lie. I mean I'm really cute when I do it, it usually works, but I should stop, it's not fair to others.
3. I can be pretty lazy when I want to be.
4. I have trouble putting my clean clothes up sometimes...
5. I sometimes pay a little too much attention to things that don't matter like celebrity gossip and clothes and what not...
What are five places you have lived?
Ooooh I've only lived 3 places, 4 if you count college. I lived in southern Indiana until I was 8, then two places on the region, one of which I still live in, and then college.
What are five jobs you’ve had?
1. Columnist for the News Dispatch
2. Office Assistant for my high schools office in the summer
3. Day Camp counselor for the YMCA which I loooooooove : )
4. Hmmm that's all I got...
What five people do you want to tag?
1. Austin : ) You better do it! Still haven't done your 7 things...
2. Josh
3. Dave
4. How sad, I don't really have any more blogging friends... : (