You know you should go to the doctor when... cuss out a computer because it asks you if you really want to delete that email. I wouldn't have clicked delete if I hadn't wanted to! Meanwhile your boyfriend (who is sitting next to you) stares at you with a look that says "Oh dear God she has finally cracked." He knew it would happen eventually.
Needless to say I went to the doctor yesterday, but only because I woke up with crusty eyes. I think this is my body's survival tactic. It knows I won't take it to the doctor for a cold or a sore throat, but the second I feel pink eye I'm in that waiting room filling out the necessary paperwork. It does this fairly often. The sore throat is a thousand times better and the pink eye was caught early so my eyes never even got very pink and I have been officially non contagious for a few hours now : )
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