Proof of What a Sap Working With Kids Has Made Me
Today I was watching Miracle on 34th street (I'm already hoping for Christmas...) and at one point in the film a little girl that is deaf sits on Santa's lap and he speaks with her in sign language. Well even though that little girl was obviously an actress and more than likely lived out her childhood stardom and then moved on to some form of drug use, the look on her face when she saw that Santa could talk to her just broke my heart! I'm not going to lie, my eyes teared up pretty darn quickly... It just makes me sad that some kids aren't born perfect. Well they are all absolutely perfect, but you know what I mean. They're so tiny and innocent and they haven't had a chance to screw anything up yet like we all have. And just a word of warning, you don't know how attached you can become to children until you work with them. An be prepared for your tear ducts to go into over time, well maybe that's just me...
snow????????????????? Are you crazy??????????????????Lets at least have fall first!!!!The prettiest time of year. Snow.....think you have been studying to hard! Better go foe a walk with the bf. Have fun!
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