First, the BDay card I made for my dad's 54th!
First, the BDay card I made for my dad's 54th!
Please please please click this link and watch this video. I don't recommend it for boys, it's the kind of music videos girls watch together and "Aw" a lot. I know because Hermione and I just did that. And to get the whole effect you have to watch the whole thing... And please pay attention to the subtle homage to Pride and Prejudice...
Today I was watching Miracle on 34th street (I'm already hoping for Christmas...) and at one point in the film a little girl that is deaf sits on Santa's lap and he speaks with her in sign language. Well even though that little girl was obviously an actress and more than likely lived out her childhood stardom and then moved on to some form of drug use, the look on her face when she saw that Santa could talk to her just broke my heart! I'm not going to lie, my eyes teared up pretty darn quickly... It just makes me sad that some kids aren't born perfect. Well they are all absolutely perfect, but you know what I mean. They're so tiny and innocent and they haven't had a chance to screw anything up yet like we all have. And just a word of warning, you don't know how attached you can become to children until you work with them. An be prepared for your tear ducts to go into over time, well maybe that's just me...
The roomie and I were flipping through the channels today when we saw pretty pageant dresses, so of course we stopped to discuss. We soon realized that whatever pageant this was it had something to do with Venezuela and so we couldn't understand anything anyone was saying. And this probably isn't funny in translation but it was hilarious at the time. We had no idea what was going on, we could tell they were crowning the winner but all the girls cried and they all got crowns so we couldn't figure out who won. We finally narrowed it down to two girls and then we decided it was definitely the girl in the aqua dress. But no, it ended up being the girl with the bun. But why did they all get huge crowns?? It's not like that in the good ol' US of A, oh no, you know who the winner is here...
So it turns out I'm a failure at secret blogging too. I don't have near as many secrets as I would like to think which might be good, but it makes me feel a bit boring. However I suppose that's not too much of a surprise... I did enjoy choosing a color scheme though!
So I am going to start a new blog. I don't know what will happen to Pennies, the plan is to still write here but I don't know how often it will happen... There are just a lot of things I want to be able to write about but there are just too many people from school that read this and it constricts what I can and can't put in words. If someone I know finds the new blog that's fine, however I have no idea how one would go about doing that, I'm sure there's a way. Meanwhile, I hope to still record my everyday observations on life and my little trials and great happinesses (spell check is telling me that this is not a word) right here. I love Pennies and I would hate to leave her permanently!
So, this might sound silly, but I've always wanted to write a book. Whenever I think about it I get really excited and it feels really right. My plan was always to start keeping a journal and write everyday and then maybe eventually use those entries to write a novel of sorts. The problem however is that I start doing it and then I fail, I get distracted, and there's never anyone there to tell me to get ahold of myself and keep at it. So I think that my blog is going to become my journal as well as my little place to vent and write about random things. Now this doesn't really affect any of you, however I thought it was only fair to warn you because Pennies may become a bit more open and honest. Which worries me. I suppose it can't be too open. But it'll be more open than it has been in the past...
My freshman and sophomore year (and every year preceding) my dorm was all female. It's the closest thing to a sorority on campus. Everyone knows everyone, and even if you don't know each other you always have something to talk about, whether it's falling ceiling tiles or mice. This year, my junior year, MC decided to let the males in. We had a surge in admissions and Lord knows a private university does not say no to some extra tuition money. This led to a housing crunch and my dorm was the sacrificial lamb. Now one wing of 3rd floor contains boys. Freshman boys. As I live well away from the drama on 2nd floor opposite wing I decided that I could cohabit peacefully with the little buggers as long as they stayed on their floor on their side. Well no such luck. I'm at the end of my rope and about this close to rattling off an email to our hall director and now I will share some examples, and I think that you will understand and commiserate with me by the end. Example A. I think it was Wednesday of last week. The roomie and I were chatting in our room with the door open when three boys stopped and came in to talk. "Hey are you the sprinkler girl?!" They asked me. "What is a sprinkler girl?" "Some chick ran through the sprinklers during orientation." "Obviously I am not the sprinkler girl" "You look just like her." "Yeah I'm still not her." Then they asked my roomie if she was a soccer player and where she was from. When she told them one of the boys responded, "Oh I went to school there for awhile, I also got put in jail there, we have things in common, we'll talk." After that they left. Example B. Friday night, a bit past midnight, myself and two of my girlfriends (we all live on the same floor) were returning from our night out. As we turned onto our wing we spotted a shirtless freshman boy on the opposite wing hanging half in a door. He spotted us and made a bee line in our direction so we quickly turned onto our wing and made for our rooms. Well my door came first so he skipped me and followed my friends. But they ignored him so he turned around and came back my way. As I was fumbling to get my key in the door he caught up with me, leaned his shoulder against my door frame in what I can only assume was supposed to be a seductive manner and asked me what I was doing tonight. Well as fury overtook my reactions I clumsily yet crankily spat out "Yeah, I'm waiting for my boyfriend to get here, so no thank you." and shut the door in his face rather hard. Then I stood there listening to him writing on my dry erase board. He was very articulate in his wording, I am sure he poured over his immense vocabulary searching for the words to convey his anger before finally settling on the always classy "fuck you". Now since this is a dry erase board, I really didn't care what he wrote, what did make me mad however is that he stole my marker. Example C. The very next night possibly the same guy walked past Hermione's door, noticed it was cracked open a few inches and so of course he decided to open it. He walked right in while she was getting ready to go out, he talked for about 30 seconds, felt her loft to see if it was sturdy, took a kleenex, and left. Example D. My roomie leaves to go take a shower. The BF and were watching the VMAs when she walked back in and hastily said "they're coming in" closely followed by two guys. She said it in a very weird way and I didn't understand. They talked to her for a moment or two and she mostly ignored them before they left and she shut the door behind them proclaiming that she didn't even know them, they had been outside the bathroom door and followed her to our room. Thank goodness she changed in the shower and wasn't half naked!
Girls, empty your lint traps. You are adults, you are not children, I promise the lint will not bite you, it is not dirty, it's just fibers that separate from your clothing during the drying process- totally safe. Thank you.
So last night I fell asleep watching a movie with the BF. Supposedly he tried to put his arm around me and I allegedly said something along the lines of "get off me Wicket, Wicket stop it!" and kept pushing his arm away. Two things are wrong with this. Number one, Wicket is my dog folks. Number two, Wicket almost never cuddles with me.
I have a lot on my mind tonight and I'm having a hard time organizing it which annoys me to no end. Sometimes I think about starting a secret blog, that no one that I know can read. That way I could just put everything out there, but I don't think I could juggle two blogs, I can barely handle one. I enjoy being closer to being an adult, but things get harder and more important the older you are, however being able to order off the drink menu is a nice perk. Decisions are getting so much heavier and things that seemed far off seem awfully close now and I don't feel ready to make them. The mantras that I've rattled off for years to myself and others whenever opposition arose in any form suddenly seem dusty and naive, too optimistic, like old books of romance sitting next to new books of hard cold facts, outdated and outgrown. This blog sounds sooo pessimistic but I promise you I have not abandoned my optimistic outlook! Really life is going awfully well for me at the moment. I just can't help but look to the horizon every once in awhile and see obstacles growing closer and clearer, like they're outlined against a sunset. Too dark a contrast to not be real.
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