Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What I'm Not Doing

I'm pretty sure that there's something wrong with me. It's 12:30 at night and I have two midterms tomorrow, two very hard midterms mind you, and ya know what I'm doing? I'm creating a flickr account. I have a problem. I need to be reading American National Politics and Asia in the World. But I'm not. I'm sifting through picture after picture choosing my favorites and basking in my imagined photography skill. I guess it could be worse. 

Ya know what I really want? For it to be thursday. To have all of my finals done. To have just finished kicking ass in Karate. And just watched a fabulous episode of Grey's Anatomy. And to be sitting at the Inn, sipping on a strawberry daiquiri and watching my fellow classmates make drunken fools of themselves. Then to go back to my room and sleep for 12 hours. Or 8. Or hell, even 6 at this point... Then I would know in a few hours I could make the hour and a half trip home, cuddle with my puppy, go bridesmaid dress shopping, and immerse myself in the loving craziness that is my family...



About Me

My photo
I love pretty pictures and fashion, decorating and paper. I use Harry Potter pseudonyms for all of my friends because as of now they are skeptical of the blogging world. I expect when we grow and up and move away and have babies we will all have blogs because that seems to be the thing to do. And when that day comes I will laugh and gleefully answer all their questions about blogger, thankful that they can finally share in the obsession with me! And secretly, I will be very proud that my archives stretch back much farther then theirs. Pennies From Heaven is where I write everything. I put my favorite photographs there, my favorite fashions, thoughts, stories, and humorous conversations between Hermione and I.

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