Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What Time I Went to Bed

Copper Number 5Dice or Colon?zero4 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Awful Awful Night...

Working on a horrendous midterm at the moment... Next time warn me before I take a 400 level class as a tutorial... The roomie picked tonight of all nights to actually stay in our room (only the second time so far this year) and tomorrow little kids come trick or treating in our dorm so the girls on my floor are up late decorating and they're making more noise than I thought humanly possible. Quite possibly the worst timing ever in the history of the world.

To be here is all I want in the world right now. 

Fall Break Numero Dos

The Morning Glories are dying, but they are going out in style!

We don't know why, but Boomer likes to rub his back on the bushed behind that pool and he was having a blast when my dad was getting it ready for winter...
This little booger went to my camp this summer and he wouldn't let me take his picture
He even used my sister as a shield!
But my dad caught him... And yup, he wear's Hawaiian shirts to church, my family is just that cool.
I was super into the stained glass windows this Sunday and when mom decided to chat with the neighbors for 20 minutes after service I grabbed the opportunity...

Church : )
Nikki's pie...
Grandpa's pie...
...they are the reason Grandma has to guard the Redi Whip... And my dad doesn't have a picture of his pie in here because he's not allowed to touch the Redi Whip- something about his sister's kitchen ceiling? I don't know, it all went down before I was around...


My favorite song, second only to Pennies of course : )

Stick Em' Up and Meet My Demands

In Race, Ethnic, and Gender Group Relations we discussed masculinity today (I can only hope femininity receives the same in depth conversation in the future and if not I call sexism sir!). Well the class came up with a list of things that they believe comprise masculinity. I think they're all ridiculous, my demands are much less extreme...

1. Endures physical pain without complaint > Ok yeah to some extent, but I would be annoyed if a girl freaked if she stubbed her toe too... And if breaks his leg without flinching I'd be worried for his sanity, not impressed. 
2. Does heavy lifting > Yeah I support this one, but I'm very tiny,  I need someone who can lift things...
3. Doesn't show emotion > Why would I want someone who can't show me how he feels about me? 
4. Is in charge > Haha yeah that's not going to work...
5. Doesn't cry > If his dog dies and he doesn't shed a tear I'll suspect insanity not masculinity... 
6. Wears blue > I do like blue, but it's no necessity.
7. Must be breadwinner > If I could find a job where I made more than my husband I would be totally cool with it and I would hope that he would be as well.
8. Interest in weaponry (guns) > That would just make me nervous...
9. Lustful, promiscuous > This is obviously bad, just no good...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Late Anniversary to Me!

The wonderful BF and I celebrated two years (weird...) last week! We had previously decided that instead of gifts we were going to go down to Indy for a day and just walk around,  go to a nice restaurant, and what not. So all I did was make him a cutesy little card...
He however did not follow the rules and got me these!

Happy Late Anniversary Babe! Love you!

Part of My Fall Break!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Time to Vote!

I filed absentee this year as this is the first presidential election that I was old enough to vote in and I wouldn't be home and because I didn't know until this weekend that in The Region you can vote early... My bad... Anyway, I got my ballot about a month ago and it's just been siting there because I had no idea who I wanted to vote for. . Since growing up I lived so close to Chicago we got Chicago TV, including Chicago politics. I remember watching Obama on the TV one night when I was in high school and thinking about what a fabulous speaker he was. He was so captivating and he seemed so honest. I distinctly remember going to school the next day and telling one of my friends that if he ever ran for president I would vote for him. Well guess what, he's running for president! Now as a registered republican, I'm not so good at it. I'm fairly liberal with social issues, but with fiscal issues I'm a hardcore righty. Honestly, I don't think the government should be all that involved with the social issues nor do I think we should really be worrying about them at the moment. But I digress...

Thankfully, since I was in high school I've learned a thing or two. One of them being that the best speakers aren't necessarily the best leaders. Another being that you don't vote for the candidates' party because that hardly even matters these days but for the issues. And the other being that republicans are the money people. Maybe they're corrupt sometimes, but they know money. And so this year I will be voting for John McCain. Maybe he's another dumby when it come's to addressing the nation, but I believe he's the one that can guide us out of this recession. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Highly Classified Experiment

Conclusions to the BF experiment: Complete failure. 

As in I am a complete failure. I didn't get any more views than normal and none of them were from outside of the United States. 
So cheers to the BF, and his fabulously popular international blog!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Major Updates

The BF has mostly abandoned blogging. However, when he does he gets toons of views from all over the world and it turns my eyes a bit green.  I believe it has something to do with the titles he chooses. So I'm stealing one and we shall see how it goes. If I don't get lots of foreign views then I will forever admit that the BF is in fact the most popular international blogger on the face on the earth. And if I do, I'll probably feel kind of bad for stealing his thunder, but still, I just have to know... Love ya babe!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I Believe it's Officially Fall...

I was reading one of my favorite blogs today and she was writing about how excited she was to see that her husband had turned on the heat for the first time this fall. I felt the same way friday night when i got home for fall break, except it was my dad turning the heat on because ya know, I'm a 21 year old college student, but the overall effect is the same! Anyway, there's just something so great about going outside and finally knowing without a doubt that it is fall. For me, that means that winter is around the corner, for others it means beautiful scenery and crisp days, and for others it means apple cider and pumpkins. Any which way you slice it, it's good. 

At the end of the blog however she mentions that she knows it's fall because Macy's has decorated their windows. I would like to take this opportunity to reassert my devotion to Marshall Fields and my absolute disdain of all things Macy's. Poor choice of department store KA, poor choice... 
However, not being from Chicago I suppose I can't expect her to know, but still...


My dogs are running around without collars because the got a flea treatment last night. Some moments I think they look cuter without them and other moments I think they look like ragamuffins that ran away from home and live on the streets. It's like in Aladin when the genie first gets his wrist cuffs taken off. You can't decide if he looks weird or if he looks better as a free genie. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What I'm Not Doing

I'm pretty sure that there's something wrong with me. It's 12:30 at night and I have two midterms tomorrow, two very hard midterms mind you, and ya know what I'm doing? I'm creating a flickr account. I have a problem. I need to be reading American National Politics and Asia in the World. But I'm not. I'm sifting through picture after picture choosing my favorites and basking in my imagined photography skill. I guess it could be worse. 

Ya know what I really want? For it to be thursday. To have all of my finals done. To have just finished kicking ass in Karate. And just watched a fabulous episode of Grey's Anatomy. And to be sitting at the Inn, sipping on a strawberry daiquiri and watching my fellow classmates make drunken fools of themselves. Then to go back to my room and sleep for 12 hours. Or 8. Or hell, even 6 at this point... Then I would know in a few hours I could make the hour and a half trip home, cuddle with my puppy, go bridesmaid dress shopping, and immerse myself in the loving craziness that is my family...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Super Macro

This is one of my new favorite pictures... I tell ya, give me a camera with super macro and I think I'm a photographer...

More pictures from my weekend to follow soon enough...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hancock Observatory

This is why I love this city. Right now I want to go home, hope on the South Shore, and spend the rest of my day here. Every moment I'm more convinced that I am meant to live in this city at least for a little while. We're soul-mates. 

Photo Courtesy of Shoplifters of the World

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Debate Highlights

1. Obama said "...more safe..."

2. McCain was wearing a great tie, thick red and pink diagonal stripes, I'm a fan. 

3. There was a woman sitting in the front row that was wearing black slacks with open toe shoes (already a risk in business casual) and black nylons. I'm sure that poor woman had no idea that was wrong and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that noticed. But still. 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Oh Cubbies...

I'm so sad...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Penny For Your Politics? I Don't Think McCain and Obama are Interested in Pennies...

*Disclaimer... Swearing and controversial politics, I apologize, I'm a bit wound up*
     Who's excited for the debates tonight? I am I am! Although, admittedly less excited than I am for the Cubs game (gotta set your priorities...) Anyway. My opinions on politics aren't worth a whole heck of a lot. Probably just pennies actually. But I feel the need to share them here.
     So, I'm a registered republican, however I'm not a very good one I suppose. Economically, I'm conservative. Go big business! Foreign policy wise, well I suppose if it was a few decades ago I would be considered a republican. I lean a bit isolationist, boy that's ones done a 180... As for the war, I don't really know. I was one of the people raring and ready to get over there. "You think you can attack us? Really? Well get ready bitches!" However, I certainly don't judge myself intelligent enough to decide what's best for a country, not even my own, but I would like to see a little more reconstruction and a little less destruction. Two boys I graduated with are over there now and another boy I went to high school with lost his life over there, he died a hero, but I think his family would rather have him here and a normal guy than dead and a hero. 
     It frustrates me that republicans have lost sight of what their party really means. The biggest example I find is with gay marriage. Republicanism in it's truest form says no government intervention in business. Marriage, essentially, is a contract. A contract makes it business. If the government can stop this contract and business agreement (it doesn't appeal to my sensibilities to call it business, but for the sake of the argument) what else can it interfere in? I'm no social liberal by any means, but it really bugs me. I'm also annoyed by the time spent debating gay rights, abortion, and other such things. I mean, these people realize that we're in the middle of a miserable war don't they? They realize that we're on the brink of economic catastrophe right? Seriously, you're worried about abortion right now? Really?
     Anyway, I don't know who I'm voting for. I really liked McCain until he picked Palin. I'm undecided about her. She seems like a really great person honestly. Very sincere and kind, and I would love to have someone who fits those qualities in the White House. But let's face it, McCain could kick the bucket at any moment. I like Palin with McCain, but without him? I dunno. However, if American votes on looks he's got it in the bag. His wife and daughter are beautiful, as in Palin. 
So those are my two cents...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Don't Vote... Edgy

I plan to return tonight with a real blog, I know it's been ages. Bad Char. But seriously, you should watch this, it's very funny but with a good message. And it's very edgy, they use swear words and everything. I mean, if people swear that means they understand my generation, or so I'm told... WATCH IT!

And if you aren't registered shame shame on you. Get on it!


About Me

My photo
I love pretty pictures and fashion, decorating and paper. I use Harry Potter pseudonyms for all of my friends because as of now they are skeptical of the blogging world. I expect when we grow and up and move away and have babies we will all have blogs because that seems to be the thing to do. And when that day comes I will laugh and gleefully answer all their questions about blogger, thankful that they can finally share in the obsession with me! And secretly, I will be very proud that my archives stretch back much farther then theirs. Pennies From Heaven is where I write everything. I put my favorite photographs there, my favorite fashions, thoughts, stories, and humorous conversations between Hermione and I.

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