Thursday, December 4, 2008

This One is Less Snarky

My first 400 level history class is a tutorial on Recent American History that I have with two other students and one of my favorite professors. The professor is brilliant and everything she says is fascinating even if at times she does lack a certain polish in her lectures but this past Monday the last part of our discussion was so interesting. We were talking about the depression in the 80s and how it tied in to other depressions, the most known being the 30s and currently. We were pulled out of the Great Depression by WWII and the intense government spending that happened after plus the fact that most of the rest of world had been flattened into a pancake from the war. Those investments kept our economy soaring high until the later 70s and 80s when it finally lost its steam and the rest of the world rebuilt itself. We sunk into depression once again. What pulled us out this time was the computer revolution and that we had the technology before the rest of the world. Once again the economy soared and throughout the 90s things were good. Now we're sinking again. The push afforded to us by the computer revolution has run out and everyone else has caught up. The moral of the story is that dating back to the 1700s every time we have had a depression something has pulled us out, the industrial revolution, war, technological advances and so on. So what is going to pull is out of this one and how long will it take? Will it be new technology, or will it be war?



About Me

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I love pretty pictures and fashion, decorating and paper. I use Harry Potter pseudonyms for all of my friends because as of now they are skeptical of the blogging world. I expect when we grow and up and move away and have babies we will all have blogs because that seems to be the thing to do. And when that day comes I will laugh and gleefully answer all their questions about blogger, thankful that they can finally share in the obsession with me! And secretly, I will be very proud that my archives stretch back much farther then theirs. Pennies From Heaven is where I write everything. I put my favorite photographs there, my favorite fashions, thoughts, stories, and humorous conversations between Hermione and I.

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