Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I don't want to get married until I'm much older, but I've already got the song I want to walk down the aisle to picked out. I even know what cue the bridesmaids, flower girl, and I will enter on... 

I guess this isn't so much a confession as it is par for the course of being a female...

How I Know I'm Not A Ballet Dancer

Because I cried. I remember the other girls never cried. They ignored it when their toe nails fell off and when the blisters popped. They ignored the stench in their pointe shoes from all of the pus and blood. I didn't ignore it. I remember when my company performed at Six Flags in Chicago. We practiced all summer, it was my first intense performance en pointe. We had practice every day, but Tama didn't think that was enough so in the five or so days before we practiced for over 20 hours, all en pointe. My toes were blistered and they hurt. I had one toenail that was only half grown in still from the summer before when I made my round with the Ballet of Chicago. I couldn't ignore the pain. When I stepped into relevĂ© and felt that instant pressure, the layers of burlap like knives cutting into my blisters and cracking them open, I couldn't do it. When we finally did perform I cried the whole time I danced. Maybe I lacked that passion for it, maybe I was just too soft, but no one else cried. They were in the same pain I was but they danced through it and looked down on me because I couldn't. Ballet was the best and worst experience of my life, but that's for another blog. 

Finals procrastination does great things for my blog!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Crinkley Nose

Once again, here I am, watching evening stretching into night and surely eventually into morning. And not in the fun out with my friends having a good time way, I mean in the I have a final tomorrow and I need to study way. And in a slightly annoyed way. But oh well, seems pretty standard at this point. 

This is as close to my cranky face that I could fine. I'm sure the BF will appreciate it. This face also constitutes as my "what smells?" face, my look of disgust, and my "if you try to tickle me one more time..." face. I think my nose might even squish up more... Either way, I totally get where this girl is coming from...

Pennies From Heaven

Updated my music today! The best part is I actually found my favorite version of Pennies From Heaven by good ol' Louis Armstrong! It just makes me so happy, it's the kind of song where when people listen to it you want them to think of you, you want it to remind them of you : )

Bane of My Existence

Once upon a time MC decided to plant a lovely Gingko Biloba tree between Winger and Oakwood. A female Gingko tree. Wanna know how I know it's a female Gingko? Let me let Wiki tell you just how I figured that out. 
Female plants do not produce conesTwo ovules are formed at the end of a stalk, and after pollination, one or both develop into seeds. The seed is 1.5-2 cm long. Its fleshy outer layer is light yellow-brown, soft, and fruit-likeIt is attractive in appearance, but contains butanoic acid and smells like rancid butter (which contains the same chemical) or feces[7] when fallen.
Rancid butter and feces. Yuuuuummmmmmyyyyyyy...

Stella- Definitely Not Getting Her Groove Back

All my life I've bragged about how my dad taught me how to change a tire when I was 13. But then it happens, and you realize you haven't changed a tire since you were thirteen, and then you realize that thirteen was eight years ago... And then you pull out the cell and call your dad... 

But if it happens again, I am totally prepared!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Gives You Hell

Here I am at 6:30 a.m. awake and writing a paper on different views of feminism in post WWII era America. And for you I have a little ditty by probably the only music group that I've consistently loved since always. Or at least since Swing Swing.
Update! New album comes out Dec 16th! I've waited so long for this!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

So Frustrated

I love my school. MC isn't at all what I expected but it's a great fit for me and it's been wonderful in exposing me to new ideas and helping me to cultivate my beliefs and find firm foundations for them. But after the class today that resulted in my frustration my friend likened being conservative at MC to being black; lacking support, being that token person people can point to and say "See, that's why we're right and they're wrong", and dealing with a privileged group that is blind to their privilege. I'm really glad almost no one reads this blog because I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that's fairly racist, but it feels accurate. In class today we got on a discussion about how MC reacts to conservative students. A few other classmates spoke out before I did, all sharing my opinion. Eventually I said a few things, shared some of my experiences from my freshman year with a few very liberal students and how I felt they were really rude and not at all open to even considering my ideas as even being valid opinions, which is saying something because I'm not even all that conservative. In one of my comments I mentioned that I didn't know MC was so liberal when I made the decision to come here. Another girl in class whom I had previously always respected responded to something I said, and she was so rude, I was so surprised. She said something about how we just didn't try hard enough and it was our fault we didn't have groups on campus, even thought right before a girl had said she tried to start a MC Republicans group and couldn't find a professor to sponsor them so they had to disband. Then she looked at me and said "You guys are from Indiana and are just used to being the majority and thinking that you're the norm. And didn't you even read the mission statement? How could you not know that MC was liberal?" I didn't say anything. The sad part is that I know after saying what I felt half of the students in that class lowered their opinions of me immediately. I fully expect that when I see them in hallways and on the mall they will lower their heads and determinedly not return my smile or "hello". That girl has no idea that I'm from the Region which is certainly not conservative, that two of my best friends in high school were gay, and that I chose MC for the academic quality and couldn't have cared less about the mission statement. I don't remember the last time I was so frustrated. If anything the conversation just further cemented the things I already believed. 

Things I Love...

...Sitting down next to the intensely annoying freshman in my Poly Sci class who spends the entire period playing on his little MacBook and then pulling out my Grand Kahuna of a computer, the MacBook Pro, and watching his little beady eyes tense up in jealousy. Suck on it annoying computer boy, you may have have a Mac but you still loooooooooose. MUAHAHAHA! 

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Today has been lovely, and tonight will be lovely still. It has literally snowed all day. I woke up to pure white loveliness. Currently I'm cuddled up in a down blanket listening to Frank Sinatra croon Winter Wonderland and watching the snow fall and create its own blanket over my little campus. I know finals are the week after next and I should be reading for poly sci or history but instead I'm contemplating picking up Henry James' Portrait of a Lady or better yet the Wind in the Willows. I remember my grandma reading that to me when I was a little girl and I mentioned it on a trip to Barnes and Noble with the BF, low and behold it came to me for Valentines Day last year : ) I'm currently feeling unbelievably blessed and happy. The Christmas spirit has cracked into me and caught hold. 

Tonight the BF and I are get to spend time together and maybe play in the snow and I am completely content with the world.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

This One is Less Snarky

My first 400 level history class is a tutorial on Recent American History that I have with two other students and one of my favorite professors. The professor is brilliant and everything she says is fascinating even if at times she does lack a certain polish in her lectures but this past Monday the last part of our discussion was so interesting. We were talking about the depression in the 80s and how it tied in to other depressions, the most known being the 30s and currently. We were pulled out of the Great Depression by WWII and the intense government spending that happened after plus the fact that most of the rest of world had been flattened into a pancake from the war. Those investments kept our economy soaring high until the later 70s and 80s when it finally lost its steam and the rest of the world rebuilt itself. We sunk into depression once again. What pulled us out this time was the computer revolution and that we had the technology before the rest of the world. Once again the economy soared and throughout the 90s things were good. Now we're sinking again. The push afforded to us by the computer revolution has run out and everyone else has caught up. The moral of the story is that dating back to the 1700s every time we have had a depression something has pulled us out, the industrial revolution, war, technological advances and so on. So what is going to pull is out of this one and how long will it take? Will it be new technology, or will it be war?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Open Letter to Freshmen Girls

Dear Freshmen Girls:

All summer we dread meeting you. You are the holders of the "freshman body". Your lithe figures have yet to experience the slight yet noticeable layer of flub that accumulates somewhere between freshman year and sophomore. As we meet you we rate you and worry about our beaus glancing about and noticing what we're noticing. Eventually this passes, your tittering giggles and annoying naivete eventually gets to us and we begin to feel more self assured. But then finals come. And we hate you again. You and your 100 level classes. You run to Hacienda in the middle of the week and decorate your doors with Christmas trees while we barely have time to shower and slave over 30 page articles. We walk past you canoodling with your boyfriends in door ways and hear you talking with them on the phone, "no you hang up first!" while we struggle to find one day a week to spend together with ours. Our only solace is that in less than a year you will join our ranks. And we will welcome you with open arms and join together to fight against the next wave of  "first-years". 

Your Upperclassmen 


About Me

My photo
I love pretty pictures and fashion, decorating and paper. I use Harry Potter pseudonyms for all of my friends because as of now they are skeptical of the blogging world. I expect when we grow and up and move away and have babies we will all have blogs because that seems to be the thing to do. And when that day comes I will laugh and gleefully answer all their questions about blogger, thankful that they can finally share in the obsession with me! And secretly, I will be very proud that my archives stretch back much farther then theirs. Pennies From Heaven is where I write everything. I put my favorite photographs there, my favorite fashions, thoughts, stories, and humorous conversations between Hermione and I.

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