Fair Oaks Dairy Farm
This past thursday at the Place of Occupation we took the kiddos on a field trip to Fair Oaks Dairy Farms. This farm is massive, I'm talking like 35,000 cows. Intense and super cool.
Well one of the sites the farm offers it's guests is a chance to view a calf being born. There are like 10 calfs born a day there so it happens pretty often. Well we lucked out and got a chance. Here is a picture I found online of what this room looks like.
This little glass area is surrounded by stadium seating. Stadium seating. There will be no stadium seating in my hospital room. Poor mama cows. And the poor mama cow we saw just happened to have some difficulty. I won't go into details but the whole ordeal ended with ropes, a vet, a few of my older boys complaining of nausea for the rest of the day, and me being scarred for life. There will also be no ropes in my hospital room.
Side Note: The last thing we did was watch a movie called "From Grass to Glass". I had no idea what they meant by "Glass". I just kept thinking about it, do they make glass from milk? Is there something I don't know? And after the movie I still didn't get it. I was super confused by the title. Just 5 minutes ago did I realize that it meant glass as in a liquid retaining device. Ya know, something you drink milk out of. Oh my goodness. Not good Char, not good.
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