Education Major Sucks
I've always really had a distaste for most of the professors in my education department. They are a huge factor in my back and forth decisions in my major, I'd like to be a teacher but the thought of dealing with them for four years was enough to end it for me. They are nice women, but I think that they have ill feelings toward secondary ed majors and I don't think that most of their classes do a lot to help me understand what I will be facing in a high school classroom. But senior year, by far has been the worst. I mean, I was told that I need to "uglify" myself for student teaching. Apparently I will be too distracting. Really? Seriously??
Now there is one in particular that seems to have picked out me and Luna. SO FRUSTRATING!
They are a waste of my time. There is only one that I have any confidence in whatsoever. This blog will surely be turning into a place for me to vent my frustrations about the education department...
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