Time Traveler's Wife
Just finished the Time Traveler's Wife. It's simultaneously terrible and wonderful. Keep tissues at hand, but definitely read it, it's worth the tears.
Just finished the Time Traveler's Wife. It's simultaneously terrible and wonderful. Keep tissues at hand, but definitely read it, it's worth the tears.
I so want to be this girl! Color Me Katie is a fantastic blog about a truly genuine girl living in NYC and doing wonderful things that make the world a better place in a thousand tiny ways. Example? She makes thought bubbles and scatters them throughout Brooklyn then waits for passerby and takes a picture. Why? Well, why not?
Hermione does not believe that I can get our black plastic, $2.50, 8x10 picture frames to turn white. She has no faith in you, and possibly even less in me. She was giving me that look that says "You are a crazy person who reads too many decorating blogs" while humoring me with an, "Ok Char, whatever you say." I have decided to take this as a challenge and I have chosen you as my partner. The Bonnie to my Clyde. The Ethel to my Lucy. I hope that you are up to the challenge.
Random fact about me I just noticed. Ya know how contact cases have an R and L on each little pocket? One for Left and one for Right obviously. Well I put mine in the opposite. Every night I put my left contact in R and my right one in L and every morning I put L in my right eye and R in my left. There is no reason for this. I have tried to logic it out and I can't, I have tried to switch it back and I can't. I'm just crazy.
A little girl was talking about how she is going to be a flower girl next weekend. One of the boys asked her what a flower girl was and she said that flower girls throw the flower petals. Another little boy looked up from his coloring and said completely seriously, "Yeah, it's just like throwing chairs, " and started coloring again.
I wonder if being badly behaved takes up as much energy as disciplining those being badly behaved. I'm guessing not, because at the end of today my kiddos were still climbing walls, jumping on my back, and spilling kool-aid while I curled up in a corner mumbling profanities.
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